You can find my article describing the levels in more detail at Towards Data Science. This list is also on GitHub.
Entry level
Data handling
- [ ] Small datasets
- [ ] Simple preprocessing
- [ ] Image data
- [ ] Text data
- [ ] Audio and time-series data
- [ ] Classic machine learning
- [ ] Basic Neural Networks
- [ ] Convolutional Neural Networks
- [ ] Recurrent Neural Networks
- [ ] Data analysis
- [ ] Saving and loading models
- [ ] Working with metadata files
- [ ] Callbacks
Intermediate level
Data handling
- [ ] Generators
- [ ] Augmentations
- [ ] Large datasets
- [ ] Custom pipelines
Custom projects
- [ ] Custom audio / time-series project
- [ ] Custom image project
- [ ] Custom text project
- [ ] Transfer learning
- [ ] Fine-tuning
- [ ] Custom callbacks
- [ ] Multi-GPU training
- [ ] Custom training loops
- [ ] Training in the cloud
- [ ] TPU training
- [ ] Problem thinking
- [ ] Generative networks
- [ ] Experiment tracking
- [ ] Hyperparameter search
- [ ] Custom layers
- [ ] Advanced architectures
Advanced level
- [ ] Huge datasets
- [ ] Model deployment
- [ ] Multi-worker training
- [ ] Reinforcement learning
- [ ] Research
- [ ] Staying up-to-date